Illustration: Giles Oliver
What is Deep Listening Training?
"I found this course absolutely fantastic and this was and is still a pivotal moment and of great assistance within my journey as a listener, all thanks to your teachings and the clarity given." - Irish Therapist 2016
"It's when the listener is able to be present with me that I am helped." - Community worker 2017
Deep Listening Training is experiential and interactive, and takes place in groups of professional listeners. It is often described as enjoyable and transformative by our participants. It harnesses the power of being present while listening so we truly hear what is being communicated.
Deep Listening Training teaches the method of Awareness Centred Deep Listening Training (ACDLT®) which applies three core skills: Embodied Awareness, Supportive Presence, Compassionate Connection. ACDLT® combines understandings drawn from psychology and neuroscience with the methodology of contemplative practices in compassion and meditation.
Participants, from a wide variety of professional backgrounds, report developing greater confidence in their listening after following Deep Listening Training.